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This blog is all about warts, it's remedies, how did we get it and how to get rid of it. This informations are gathered in one came from reliable sources. Enjoy!

Filiform wart

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Facial Warts or Filiform Warts

You are looking forward to get together in a few days but suddenly developed red fleshy bumps on your face, yes it can be irritating. You need to take them seriously for they could be facial warts. These are ugly outgrowths that can occur around the eyelids, face, neck or lips. They can grow rapidly that occur as fleshy-like nature with dead skin around.


Filiform warts are altered form of common warts that are caused by various strains of the Human papillomavirus. HPV 1, 2, 4, 27 and 29 are the strains responsible for facial warts. HPV grows quickly while affecting the nearby healthy cells. It survives in moist areas and remains for long duration without a host. Once it enters into the skin it can start to grow in the skin cells thus, leading to the formation of an outgrowth. Viral infections spread by direct and indirect contacts, if you share towel of the affected person you are likely to fall a prey to HPV. A facial wart spreads to the other body parts as well.

Symptoms of Filiform Warts

Filiform warts are another name for facial warts that develop around lips, eyelids etc. Here are a few symptoms of infection:

    Itching at the affected area
    Bleeding warts if scratched
    They can be sore and irritating


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